Frequently Asked Questions

What types of clients do we serve at Portage Bay Solutions?

We serve a wide range of clients, including small businesses, large corporations, and non-profit organizations, specializing in custom database solutions.

What kind of projects do we specialize in at Portage Bay Solutions?

We specialize in high-quality cross-platform database solutions and web applications, focusing on scalable, adaptable, and reliable systems.

How can someone get in touch with us at Portage Bay Solutions for a project?

Contacting us for projects can be done via our website's contact form, email at, or by scheduling a meeting through our Calendly link.

What makes Portage Bay Solutions unique in our field?

We stand out for our over thirty years of experience, custom application development, and commitment to modern, efficient solutions.

Does Portage Bay provide hosting?

Yes, we provide hosting services tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients’ projects.

Does Portage Bay provide services to support in-house developers?

Yes, we offer support services for in-house developers to enhance their capabilities and project outcomes.

Does Portage Bay assist with licensing?

Yes, we assist with the licensing of software and technologies that are integral to the solutions we build.

What industries does Portage Bay specialize in?

We specialize in several industries including healthcare, education, nonprofit, and small to mid-sized businesses, delivering solutions that are industry-specific and highly effective.