Claris Engage Beyond 2021

Registration for the annual developers conference for FileMaker and Claris Connect has opened and it will be virtual again this year. While I’ll miss the opportunity for a bit of travel and to see my fellow developers, the Engage Beyond 2021 virtual conference will make it a lot easier for the entire Portage Bay team to participate. This year, Claris has extended the timeline for Engage Beyond and we’ll be having great learning opportunities all year long.

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We Invite You to Join Our Claris Connect Meetup

Having had time to explore Claris Connect ourselves, we agree that it is living up to its promises and is a delight to work with. Portage Bay Solutions has nearly thirty years of experience creating FileMaker and 4th Dimension solutions and we’ve found Claris Connect to be an attractive, intuitive, and helpful option for many of our solutions. Because of our experience with these expanded capabilities, and our desire to keep learning and help others learn about Connect, we have launched a Claris Connect Meetup and we invite you to join.

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4D World Tour 2019

FileMaker gets a lot of attention in our blog, but we are doing ongoing development and support on 4th Dimension applications for about 10 clients currently, keeping at least one of us at Portage Bay busy doing 4D development at any given time.

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Pause on Error – Tulum

The FileMaker community’s big conference every year is the annual Devcon sponsored by FileMaker Inc (this year in Orlando) and our main unconference is Pause on Error, a new edition of which was recently announced for Tulum Mexico in early April.

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Create Your Own Devcon!

Late last month, 1,600 FileMaker developers descended on Phoenix for the annual FileMaker developers conference, this year held at the Marriott Desert Springs Resort. I understand attendance was up by about 300 people this year and the hotel ran out of rooms a couple of months ago.

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4D & FileMaker Events

This spring and summer are shaping up to be pretty interesting for FileMaker and 4th Dimension developers from an education and skills development perspective. I have three training seminars and developers conferences on the schedule.

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